How do I schedule different Leads to send emails on different date ?
When you want to schedule emails to go on pre-determined date for individual leads so that all leads won't be scheduled on single day.
Knowledge Base for 7Targets AI Sales Assistant aka Virtual Sales Assistant
Look at the video below which explains the how to notify team members immediately, when you get a response from one of your lead.
Responding to leads is one of the key factors for Converting them into potential customers.
Sometimes one assistant forgets to respond to leads.
With 7Targets, you can make sure that leads responses do not fall through the cracks by adding other sales team members to receive the response notification from the assistant.
This can be done by following simple steps given below.
Go to the assistant tab
Click on the notification.
You will be directed to the notification page.
Click on ‘Response Receive (Email ) Notification’ and add the email addresses of your team members.
Now, the added members will get all notifications from the assistant whenever any lead responds to the email.
If you have any further doubts you can directly mail us at